Helo there~how are you guys?~Didn't bloggy for weeks~miss me huh?XD Just had dim sum for brunch with sis and her friends in this morning^^~many people have been asking me how's my life here~erm~well~there's no other words that I can spread out instead of GOOD!>< yep~but apparently it's not going to be so nice soon as my assignments are coming onwards TT~anyway~still passion with everything in my life~walla!XD hope everyone will enjoy your days too~let's the photos talk my story~

Dim sum~yummy~

Remember冲上云宵?This is the street they took in one of the scene which 陈慧珊walking with don't know who already~

well~it's actually a post office building XD

different view of the street~

part of victoria square~

yeah~my new frangipani fragrance~

freezing cool rainy rainy day~

yum cha!

convention hall~

notice that telling us lecturer was sicked and our class cancelled that day~haha~

one of the classroom~

same here~

burger that cost me 8 dollars TT~

view from one of the classroom~

same same~
I heard many people having exams soon or at the moment~well~good luck friends~and take care of your health while gambateh ya~once again~hope everyone be happy always and dreams come true~enjoy my new added songs~XD have a good day!